Monday, January 5, 2015

The Joys (?) of Not Working

Today is my first 'real' day on my career break. It technically began on the 1 January and today would have been my first day back in the office.

When we are part of the hum drum of the rat race and a small cog in the machine that is (add in any other colloquialisms you see fit), we, or at least I, would dream of not working. Now that I am not working, what am I doing? Not dreaming of working but certainly having anxiety about money. It sort of defeats what I am trying to do, which is take a break, a breather and reassess. How can I do that when I sit here looking at my bank account and add up what I'll be paid for my career break and subtract what I know my monthly expenses to be and spiral quickly down into worry of 'what if'?

Do I 'need' much money? No. I know I can live on very little, I've done it before. Do I have the reassurance of a supportive partner who has a good job which would provide the both of us nothing fancy but enough to be OK? Yes. Does that assuage any fears I have? Not really.

So, what am I afraid of? Well, I like having a a job and making my own money as it represents strength as well as independence for me. I think it is important to maintain that especially when in a committed relationship as dependency on another person is something I am not built for. In addition to the pay check, I like to learn and develop relationships with people and engage my brain. I think working is the key to keeping your brain active in ways you just don't get from not having employment in some shape.

But I have to ask myself, is a corporate job for me? This is what I need to figure out as I have a sneaking suspicion and have had for a while that I am not. I am not built for bureaucracy nor am I built to be led by someone / a group of people I do not believe in.

Is inspiration too much to ask for these days? How does one 'get inspired'? Suggestions welcome!

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