Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Blues?

I guess it only makes sense. When one is working, you get the Monday blues.* So, I suppose it only makes sense that when one is not working, the Friday blues are possible.

It is the second Friday in a row where I've been hit with a bit of the blues. I made it through the week, busy with seeing friends, doing errands, working on my independent business opportunities, relaxing and enjoying life. Then Fridays seem to come and I feel a bit…empty, having lack of direction or general melancholy. I haven't fully put my finger on it but Fridays seem to get me a bit down.

At least I am looking forward to the weekend. We have a friend's 40th birthday with a lunch with the 4 of us and then his big bash next weekend.

And I always have my sweet little rescue dog, Lulu, crazily chasing her tail. What a life she leads - bet there is no Monday or Friday blues for her…!

* I actually always got the Tuesday blues as there was still a dream of the weekend on Monday whereas Tuesday, what do you look to? There's no reminiscing from the weekend nor is the work week even halfway over…!

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Joys (?) of Not Working

Today is my first 'real' day on my career break. It technically began on the 1 January and today would have been my first day back in the office.

When we are part of the hum drum of the rat race and a small cog in the machine that is (add in any other colloquialisms you see fit), we, or at least I, would dream of not working. Now that I am not working, what am I doing? Not dreaming of working but certainly having anxiety about money. It sort of defeats what I am trying to do, which is take a break, a breather and reassess. How can I do that when I sit here looking at my bank account and add up what I'll be paid for my career break and subtract what I know my monthly expenses to be and spiral quickly down into worry of 'what if'?

Do I 'need' much money? No. I know I can live on very little, I've done it before. Do I have the reassurance of a supportive partner who has a good job which would provide the both of us nothing fancy but enough to be OK? Yes. Does that assuage any fears I have? Not really.

So, what am I afraid of? Well, I like having a a job and making my own money as it represents strength as well as independence for me. I think it is important to maintain that especially when in a committed relationship as dependency on another person is something I am not built for. In addition to the pay check, I like to learn and develop relationships with people and engage my brain. I think working is the key to keeping your brain active in ways you just don't get from not having employment in some shape.

But I have to ask myself, is a corporate job for me? This is what I need to figure out as I have a sneaking suspicion and have had for a while that I am not. I am not built for bureaucracy nor am I built to be led by someone / a group of people I do not believe in.

Is inspiration too much to ask for these days? How does one 'get inspired'? Suggestions welcome!