Wednesday, July 9, 2008

For All You Complainers

i have changed the comment setting so now anyone can comment and i do not think you need to register anymore. now i don't want anymore whinging!

just kidding...i love that all 2 of you are reading the blog and that you actually want to comment - how cool.

i am hung like a moose today. i feel like i am in a state of perpetual drunkenness/hang over...but the best part about being so close to work - lunch time naps. ahhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaah.

and on a completely side note, i was told i should get a live-in. ok, i am one person. one somewhat small and rather tidy person and i do not need a live-in. but the scariest part - they get paid about $350 a month. i think that would be totally illegal in the states. most expats here have 2...


J. Wesley Brown said...

Not necessary. Just get a once-a-weeker. One of the great perks to living outside the US and that once a week deep clean (bathrooms especially) makes it totally worth it.

Anonymous said...

I say get one! But make it a live out.....make sure they're good at making hang over food, sounds like you'll need it!