Friday, May 4, 2012


i went to the lady gaga concert on wednesday.  it was good.  i cant say i was overly excited to see it but went as we rarely get concerts in hong kong and i figured it would be a good show, at least.  for all her craziness, she showed a soft side, telling the audience that she writes all her own music and it is important her fans know that.  for everything that is over the top about her, it was a nice grounded sincere message.

not saying the show was without ridiculousness because it was but it had more to do with the crowd than her.  during her opening number she sort of got stuck and did this awkward roll off of a piano or something.  and then mid way through the show she says, "are you having fun?" and everyone shouts yes!  then she says, "thats good but i dont really give a fok".  proceeds to ask 3 other stage performers if they give a fok with all of them screaming back "NO!".  she then turns to the audience and asks the same question.  in true hong kong fashion, some people say yes and others no.  we joked on the way home that it would have been easier if they just said, "give me the answer" because that is more true to form here.  she also made a crack about how everyone should be able to buy a fake birkin and that an immigration officer showed up at her hotel demanding to know where she bought it.  overall, i didnt get the feeling she was too impressed with good old honkers.  can you blame her, really?  and the crowd was videoing EVERYTHING.  i mean, can you imagine asking friends to come around and see the video?  or even posting it?  i mean, the quality is terrible especially when youre as far back as we were.  and then it looks like the same old blob.  but my favourite was on the way back - everyone was watching the videos they JUST took about 5 minutes ago...seriously?  i mean, honestly?  these people are window lickers.

anyway, all in all, a good show.  thanks gaga.

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