Monday, February 13, 2012

Another Weekend Come and Gone

this weekend was, in a large part, spent recuperating from the week.  we had dinner in on friday where the haggis cooked for the first time (insert gasps of horror here) for me.  and then dinner on satruday out with friends.  the days were filled with errands around town and some good old fashioned chilling out.  speaking of, weve taken to the series "community" and "the league" as they are a bit light and fun versus the other dark stuff weve been watching like "true blood" or "dexter".  however, all four i recommend.  and i started reading "tiger mom" which I CANT HANDLE her already as she is soooo judgemental and delusional.  i realise it is her opinion and shes entitled to it but man, is she a piece of work.  she writes things like "chinese parents have bigger dreams for their children [versus western parents]" and that people wonder why most chinese are successful.  um, really - most, really?  i can show you approximately a billion that are pretty poor and sad living right nextdoor to me.  or how playing the drums inevitably leads to drugs - really?  because i bet pushing your kids like you do and acting all high and mighty could push your kids towards drugs.  in fact, anyting can lead to drugs so why dont you just stay in your bubble with your gross generalisations and leave us alone, cow.

anyway, moving on, what did the haggis whip up, you ask?  a butternut squash chili with quinoa.  at first, i thought "ewwww" but didnt say anything as criticising it would be the fastest route to him never cooking for me again.  so thankfully, i held my tongue (for once) and it was very good, surprisingly.  here is a picture:

in other news, the hong kong rugby 7s are coming up.  i thought i bought tickets online as i received a confirmation page, even tried to order more but my IP address was already recognised but yet, i have not received any confirmation emails or anything.  i looked into it and low and behold - no tickets.  i emailed them telling them they better improve their IT systems as this is just ridiculous.  thankfully, neither of us really want to go this year.  it would be my 4th 7s and the haggis' 6th - been there, done that.  therefore, we are looking into a short mini break.  the options are:  penang, bangkok, cebu, or sanya OR if we get really desperate - macau.  where do you think we should go?

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