when i told someone in the states that i was heading here they said, “oh, i am so jealous.” and for a moment, albeit brief, i thought i should be so lucky. i get to go to all these exotic places and travel for free – how freaking cool is that? well, it is cool if i had time to do something fun. my only down time consists of an extra 20 minutes in starbucks where i can have another snack i dont need with another chai tea latte i dont need. or there is downtime at night where i am trapped inside the hotel because i dont want to be kidnapped and forced into a sex ring or forced to ride the pole. but speaking of starbucks, all of them have armed guards at the door (come to think of it all buildings in manila have heavily armed men at them) but starbucks? because that is necessary? well, he is at starbucks and he has a huge gun and his name is jose. also, there is a dude outside the window with a small sign on the ground that reads “we buy empty cartons”. it seems like they buy empty cigarette cartons and…do…what with them? make a small house? what would they do with them? and to boot, it seems all the starbucks employees are in the back having some sort of rally as I am hearing cheering and laughter and general ruckus. according to my first meeting, that must be the “latin” side of filipinos – the side that “doesnt want to work too hard”. his words, not mine.
admittedly, i do love (in the hate sort of love way) the cabs in these developing countries. everywhere i have been in south east asia, i have taken some seriously dodgy cabs and manila is no exception. the cabs here are these run down looking white dodge neons with what looks like some sharpie action on the side that reads “taxi 632 1441”. i kid you not – i think they shapie-ed on their taxi sign. i only took one non-hotel taxi and it was gross. i might have caught some sort of fungus but i am praying not as i dont have health insurance yet. and yes, it is because i am too lazy to fill out the forms…
i do have to say, this city is fairly interesting in its genetic makeup as it was spanish conquered but obviously in asia. the people are this hybrid of eurasians but look kinda mexican to me. also, most of them have spanish names so it is fun to rock up and meet ricardo salazar and it is this 5 foot 5 140 lbs asian man standing in front of me. come to think of it, it is probably what people think when the meet me and find an asian chick…if it is called a duck, sounds like a duck and acts like a duck but doesnt look a duck…then what the heck is it? clearly not white meat.
and sadly since all i see really are the airports on these trips – let me comment on this for a minute…the one in manila is like a bus station and no i am not exaggerating. literally they use the same tv monitors and someone actually walks around yelling “singapore air, singapore air – last call for singapore air” before the bus leaves the station…err, the plane takes off. magical, friends , truly magical. but i do have to say my favorite is when you leave, you have to pay about 15 usd to get out. in indonesia, you have to pay to get in and i think paying on the way out makes so much more sense as youre itching to get out so bad you dont care how much it is or tha
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