so the wee haggis has moved in, more or less. his lease is due up end of july and let his landlord know. most of his day-to-day things have made their way over including...a cockroach! yes, my friends, in 2 years ive had not a single ant in this flat and low and behold, 3 days with the haggis and hes imported one of gods oldest creatures. he was crawling around in his laundry bag and the haggis was acting like a girl. so i took charge, tipped the bin over and smacked it with a magazine. the haggis reckons he killed it because gave it the final blow, but by the time i was done with it, he was only wiggling a little.
other than our unwelcome third flatmate, all has been good. thankfully he doesnt have that much stuff and i have plenty of storage so my shoe collection hasnt had to take a hit yet but large items like golf clubs (a point of contention) havent come over yet.
admittedly, ive had to try to ease up on some of my OCD tendencies but it has been difficult. i like things a little and hes a bit of a tornado. for example, i dont like the towels shoved into the towel holder. i like them to be laid out to dry. he sort of crumples them up and shoves them back on top of the dry ones. it gets my goat. to his credit, hes been better at hanging them up.
learning curve...been steep but actually ok so far but watch this space for the dreaded golf club move...
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