ok, to make a long story longer, let me intro with: i have hired a career coach. i met this coach through some work the firm did with his company and he offered to coach me. i said, 'why not'? i figure now is as good of a time if any if i want to "get to the next level" as they say. and anyone who knows me, knows i have little to no tolerance for BS - sycophantic, disingenuous - behaviour. however, if i ever want to get ahead, i am going to have to learn to control some of my disdain for those qualities as it seems people who get ahead play the game way better than me. and then i, in turn, become frustrated because they are lazy and provide as much value as a paper straw but there are people who still think the sun shines out of their @sses because that person has just kissed the right ones.
anyway, to prep for my coach, i met with my direct line supervisor. i discussed what i wanted to work on and why. she, oddly, could not have agreed more and through our discussion, she said, "well that is the difference, i just dont care that much."
so i have taken on a new mantra - which is "its just work". i am not going to take things so personally, not going to be emotionally invested in my colleagues (especially when i know they dont give a flying fig about me) and just try to play the game a bit more. maybe even smile in meetings with the people i cant stand the most. ok, perhaps that is taking it a bit too far. baby steps...
my first session is monday - heres hopin'!!!