today is tough, i am not going to lie. i am feeling really tired today and i just want to go home and sleep. its not even about food - i am just knackered. to be fair, i havent really eaten much other than salads and last night i hit up the old CI which i was told would be good to go during the detox programme but especially after the 'deep cleanse' days. however, i think not eating much and doing the detox, the CI just wiped me clean - literally and figuratively. i was supposed to go to circuits tonight as well but thank god the coach is sick and they are cancelled. otherwise, i had a shake in the morning, 7 almonds before pilates and a salad after pilates. i am REALLY (pathetically) looking forward to my couch tonight and the one egg i can have as a snack.
thought this was very cute - from this site: |
in other news, it seems the job market might be picking up steam in hong kong. i am not 100% sure about how it is going in the banking industry as they just made redundancies but other sectors seem to be coasting along. the firm here has made a few minor changes (not spending as much, etc.) but otherwise, fingers crossed, we continue onwards. so any of you job seekers sick of the grind in NY, please come join me!!!
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