my friday night started drunken, including me being sick in the sink of a ladies room (can never go back there) which i know was KLASSY. being on a budget, i have found the best deal ever - hkd30 drinks and hkd45 snacks. however, i dont think i can show my face there any time soon. the best bit is that i do not remember any of it so i guess i could go in there and play dumb. oi, as my mate gregg said to me, "get a job".
saturday was volleyball day out on mui wo but since i was so hungover, i just watched. the boy and i rested on a blanket with a book (one my little brother gave me called "sex, drugs, and cocoa puffs" which is fantastically funny) and instead of us fighting over, we read together (collective "awwww"). i finally felt a bit better and joined in a little frisbee action. but still feeling the pain, my saturday night was spent indoors.
on sunday, i went out with a new friend - a sweet québécois. he took me to cheung chau which is another surrounding island that i surprisingly have not visited until this past weekend. it was really cute with some of the nicest beaches ive seen in hong kong.
here are some pictures below:

the week i spent running around for meetings about the book as well as interviews - i am probably the busiest non-employed person around...
show me some love, people!
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