Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend Recap

it was a great one but it doesnt sound too hot when i put it into written words....oh well, here goes.  i have been sick since last week but friday past, i was determined to go out.  i organized an impromptu hen doo for a mate (see pic of the ladies with me looking fat to the left and one of us giving people going down a staircase a little show down below - and as a side, i AM putting myself on a diet...) as well as had a big bash my crazy neighbor was spinning at.  so i was out of the office around 4 to begin the surprise hen do activities - we did some girly stuff, ate, drank and were merry and then i went off to see my neighbor around 11.  after hours of dancing on chair at drop and going home around 4, i did nothing saturday (shocker).

yesterday was my "special day" - the day i came home to the states - which my family always celebrates like a birthday.  i have to admit, i almost forgot...i ended up celebrating by grocery shopping, cleaning my flat and going on a date.  yawn...

but i am probably  back in the northeastern seaboard mid july and i CANNOT wait!!!!!!


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