Tuesday, November 25, 2008


i must say, i have never worked in such an entertaining environment before. today we had another blowout. there have been many but i have not written about them until now because to outsiders, i dont think it would be as good but this one, this one was priceless!

so a manager is off on a business trip this afternoon and suggested to a coworker that she get him a meeting so he could go see them in person. as of this morning, she still had not made any effort to contact the company. they went back and forth a few rounds and then it eventually exploded. it all kind of went like this:

manager: did you call XYZ Company and set up a meeting?
coworker: no because they were on holiday yesterday.
m: ok, well you could have emailed since they probably all have blackberries
cw: i dont know so i didnt do it.
m: i am trying to help you - why didnt you do what i asked you to do?
cw: OK! i will do it now!
m: i am just trying to get a meeting for you. they all have blackberries so there is no reason why you shouldnt have contacted them
cw: well i dont know. when you meet with them you and ask them yourself if they have blackberries
this went for a few more rounds and escalated until
m: lets go into the conference room and talk about this
at this point "cw" was now loud enough for the entire office to hear
cw: no, i do not want to
m: lets go, i do not want to talk about it out here
"cw" now stands up and demands
cw: i do not WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!
and sits down again
cw: do whatever you need, give me disciplinary whatever, disciplinary notice but i will not go in there
m: lets go now. you are directly disobeying a direct order and making this worse
cw: i dont want to go in there because we will get into a fight
m: i am not discussing this out here
cw: we are going to fight, we may as well just do it out here...
this dragged on for a bit until they finally went into the conference room to yell at each other in there.
and when a senior manager was asked to help intervene at one point, he said, "not interested".

hahahahaha - oh baby jesus, do i REALLY work here? it has to be a joke. i have NEVER worked in a place where yelling at your coworkers is completely tolerated. if i were the manager i would have grabbed that person by the scruff and tossed 'em out the door. but then again, maybe that is why i am not the manager ;)

maybe you had to be here


LCP said...

hahahaha i love this company!

Anonymous said...

Great story Lizzie! I love it!-Juian