but i look at it like this, hong kong is surrounded by water and you have to take advantage of that. on top of it there is only so much one person can drink. plus, i can be in a cab and on the water in half an hour - cant do that in new york or london.
also, i just joined the royal hong kong yacht club and it is such a nice change to spend the afternoon in the sun bbq'ing versus being in our small flats or out in town sweatin' it out. the yacht club is fabulous. it is fairly difficult to get into but offers wonderful benefits including a long list of reciprocal clubs worldwide. i would like to take a sailing and rowing course so will look into those when i am not paddling as much.
anyway, this weekend i had two races and a dragon boat practice so needless to say, i was knackered and in bed around 945 last night.
here are some pictures of what i do with a good part of my waking days.
on an OC1 (outrigger canoe) |
second from the right in an OC6 |