i do not know if you know this about me or not but when i do things, i like to do them full on. so a new job, perhaps a new flat (my owners are selling and i may have to move out), a new exercise regime, and perhaps a new man!
the job is good. i could not be happier especially since i was so miserable with my previous company. it is like a proper company and i love it!! this is where i belong. i have heard it is not all roses - change is slow and difficult ("its like moving an elephant," everyone says) but there are no perfect jobs, companies, cities, people...just have to find one that fits you right. i have been put on a very high profile client and i am so very excited for that as well as it will give me great exposure to important partners in the firm!
the flat may have to change soon as well and with summer coming, i will be moving into a building with a pool...YIPPIE!
i joined a dragon boat team. it is UBER intense and competitive. unbeknownst to me, it is one of the best teams in hong kong...go figure. my second practice i had a pickled frenchwoman behind me shouting commands for the full 2 hour session. MERDE, i say! but it is fun and i want to get fit ;) dragon boating is a sure fire way to do that!!
and i met a really great guy. have not talked to the old one in over a week (sad, but a big accomplishment for me) and this new one seems pretty fab. we get on like a house on fire and i am optimistic it could be good. he is english but has been in hong kong for 14 years!?!? taking things slow and acting like adults - it is a NEW leaf, my dears, and i am loving every minute of it!!!!
what do you say in ny? youre always looking for a job, a flat or a man...